Posted on 03/11/2022 by Melanie Comerford

Affordable Marketing Strategies to Scale Your Business

Everyone wants to see their business grow and become more successful, but getting there is often difficult. Scaling a business takes time, resources, skills and funding in order to be successful so it’s not something that should be attempted lightly. 

In 2022 it is difficult to find the resources and funding to grow your business – but that’s where digital marketing comes in. Whilst it can be tempting to cut your digital marketing budget during tough times, like the current cost of living crisis. We’re here, alongside many other experts in the marketing industry to say that’s exactly what you shouldn’t do. 

Digital marketing is absolutely essential for expanding your business. We recognise that during times of economic uncertainty, marketing may seem like just another expenditure. But in actual fact, if your business cuts marketing, it can be as detrimental as switching off an entire revenue stream. 

By getting smart with your digital marketing strategy you will be able to get results by spending less. It’s all about focusing your efforts in the right places and utilising practices in the most efficient ways. Join us as we list the most affordable digital marketing strategies in 2022 that are guaranteed to take your business to new heights.  

What does it mean to scale your business?

In basic terms, scaling a business means putting in the work to help your business grow and expand. Overall, the aim of expansion is to increase operational demand and increase revenue.

The real challenge with scaling a business is to do it in a sustainable fashion that aligns with your original business values. Scaling a business isn’t a walk in the park and must be carried out with extensive levels of consideration and exceptional attention to detail. It requires a great deal of planning and strategy, as well as the right funding, staff, systems and support. 

Scaling Your Business With Digital Marketing

Scaling a business is all about finding new ways to reach customers and create revenue, and there is no better tool for this exploration than digital marketing. Planning and implementing an engaging digital marketing strategy will help to increase traffic to your website, generate leads and increase your authority in the market. By getting savvy with digital marketing techniques, you can grow your business at truly rapid rates and achieve the success your business needs.

What Are The Benefits of Scaling Your Business With Digital Marketing?

1. You’re in Control

The beauty of digital marketing is that it’s all down to you. Don’t panic, this isn’t as scary as it sounds. You are in complete control of the direction that you want your digital marketing strategy to go in and have the choice of what platforms to focus your resources on. Whether it’s social media, SEO, content marketing or web design, get creative and build a strategy that works for you and your business. 

2. Improve Your Visibility

Improving your online visibility is a key component in scaling your business as it generates more traffic and increases your leads. New customers can find your products or services through successful content marketing strategies, or by increasing your reach via social media. The more people see your content, the more traffic and leads you generate and the higher your rate of growth. 

3. Planning for Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

Setting achievable short-term and long-term goals is the key to a successful digital marketing strategy. By tracking your strategy and working towards a common goal you will quickly learn what works and what doesn’t. Understanding this is key to successfully scaling your business and helps to avoid wasting time and precious resources. 

4. Affordability

Online marketing is often kinder on your budget than traditional forms of marketing. Businesses can get amazing results with relatively low investment, but it’s all about knowing where to focus your efforts for maximum success. Making the most of free tools and getting to grips with digital marketing techniques such as SEO, content marketing and social media marketing are all budget-friendly ways of growing your business.  

5. Target Customers at Every Stage in Their Journey

Digital marketing is great for targeting specific audience members at different stages in their buyer’s journey. By utilising digital marketing tools you can track and analyse exactly who is interacting with your content. You can also implement inbound marketing strategies to generate content specifically to provide solutions to the challenges your audience faces. 

The Best Marketing Solutions For Scaling Businesses

Content Marketing

Content is king. You might have heard this term being thrown around but it’s absolutely true. The importance of quality content cannot be understated, and it’s exactly the same for scaling your business. Generating a successful piece of content can take as little as a few hours and has the potential to attract large amounts of traffic to your website.    

woman in a home office records podcast audio content

The trick is, you need your content to be relevant, valuable and consistent in order for it to be truly successful. For Google, content that satisfies these three requirements to the highest level will be ranked higher, meaning more traffic to your site. A well-executed content marketing strategy has the power to increase your brand awareness and authority, improve your customer engagement, boost lead generation and drive extra revenue to your business.  


SEO is a fundamental digital marketing technique that can seriously help to scale your business with little cost. Similarly to content marketing, SEO is about boosting your chances of ranking online – the higher you rank, the more potential customers will see your products or services. Relatively minor tweaks can be made to your online content that will seriously improve its SEO.

Organic traffic is important because people are looking for a solution to a problem. This could be anything from finding information on a subject during the awareness stage, to searching for a specific product or service during the decision stage. Organic audiences can be targeted by producing valuable content that provides solutions to specific challenges. This will ultimately attract more high-quality leads to your website.   

SEO is a broad subject so it helps to split it into two areas; on-page and off-page SEO. On-page refers to anything that happens on your website – think things like content, meta-descriptions, alt-text, page speed and internal links. Off-page includes anything that happens off your website, such as link building, guest posting and social media.

Web Design 

In the modern world, all companies and organisations should have a website, even bricks and mortar businesses. Your website is a visual representation of your brand and is a fundamental platform for communicating with your audience. Communication is key when scaling your business as it is how new customers find, interact and share your business. 

millbrook business finance website

A website is used to share information, increase your reach and visibility, offer support and build your brand credibility – all things that help to boost your online presence, drive traffic to your site and satisfy your customers. 

In terms of expense, web designs are some of the widest-ranging digital marketing solutions out there. Large complex web builds can cost over five figures, whereas a small redesign can cost a few thousand pounds. Whatever the price, the importance of a website is undeniable in the modern age, so make sure yours is up to scratch. 

Social Media Marketing

Social media is a platform that most of us are familiar with in 2022. It connects us, allows us to share information and ideas, and is a hugely successful tool for increasing the reach of a business. It can be used as a lead-generation tool and is one of the most successful ways to promote your business if used correctly. Like with SEO, your business can benefit from a free-to-do organic strategy or you can supercharge your social media presence with targeted social media advertising.

LTF social media mockup

When it comes to creating social media ads, by creating content that incorporates SEO knowledge such as keyword inclusion, you can boost your performance with the smallest of budgets. 

Inbound Marketing 

Inbound marketing certainly packs a punch when it comes to getting results on a conservative budget. These strategies commonly follow an omnichannel approach, using various marketing tactics and channels at one time. It’s a tool that is used to efficiently attract, engage and delight your customers, focusing on building long-lasting relationships.  

Whilst every inbound strategy will be unique, it’s normally formulated around generating content with the intention of providing solutions to challenges facing your target audience. This content encapsulates blogging and website content, but also includes webinars, videos, whitepapers, ebooks, podcasts, infographics and much more. 

The key to successful inbound marketing is doing your research beforehand to see what will promote the best engagement from your target market. Webinars and podcasts are great for providing a more human element to your business. Whilst white papers and ebooks are more suited to long-format, educational material. Next, it’s up to you to get creative! 

Digital Marketing Services With Loop Digital

Here at Loop Digital, we’re specialists in providing bespoke digital marketing services to a wide range of businesses across the UK, regardless of size or industry. We help our clients set and reach their marketing goals, ensuring high-quality customer service along the way. Whether it’s inbound marketing, SEO, website design or any of our other marketing solutions. You can be sure that our talented team of experts will take your business to new heights.

If you’re interested in any of our digital marketing services, contact us today. Phone us directly on 01604 806020  or submit an enquiry via our contact page

Mel is our Partner Strategy & Delivery Manager and also a CIM Chartered Marketer, a testament to her commitment to excellence in the field. But Mel’s contributions don’t stop at the office door. Beyond her professional endeavours, she leads an active life as a qualified run leader and dedicated volunteer. Her experience in these roles has streamlined her leadership and teamwork skills, making her an invaluable asset when it comes to collaborating on projects and ensuring their success. Her sharp insights, strategic thinking, and knowledge have made her a backbone in our team’s ability to drive results for clients in this industry. Mel will make sure that we can approach marketing challenges from all angles and deliver outstanding results for our clients.

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